freeze - ορισμός. Τι είναι το freeze
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Τι (ποιος) είναι freeze - ορισμός

Freeze (disambiguation); Freeze (song); Freeze (song) (disambiguation)

To lock an evolving software distribution or document against changes so it can be released with some hope of stability. Carries the strong implication that the item in question will "unfreeze" at some future date. There are more specific constructions on this term. A "feature freeze", for example, locks out modifications intended to introduce new features but still allows bugfixes and completion of existing features; a "code freeze" connotes no more changes at all. At Sun Microsystems and elsewhere, one may also hear references to "code slush" - that is, an almost-but-not-quite frozen state. [Jargon File]
1) a deep, hard freeze
2) a deep freeze
fixing at a certain level
3) to impose a freeze
4) a nuclear; wage, wages (BE) freeze
5) a freeze on
1) to freeze hard, solid (it froze hard last night)
2) (D; intr.) to freeze to (his exposed skin froze to the metal; to freeze to death)
¦ verb (past froze; past participle frozen)
1. (with reference to a liquid) turn or be turned into ice or another solid as a result of extreme cold.
become or cause to become blocked or rigid with ice.
2. be or cause to be very cold.
store at a very low temperature as a means of preservation.
3. become suddenly motionless or paralysed with fear or shock.
(of a computer screen) suddenly become locked.
4. keep or stop at a fixed level or in a fixed state.
prevent (assets) from being used for a period of time.
stop (a moving image) at a particular frame when filming or viewing.
5. (freeze someone out) informal behave in a hostile or obstructive way so as to exclude someone.
¦ noun
1. an act of freezing something at a fixed level or in a fixed state: a pay freeze.
2. a period of very cold weather: the big freeze.
freezable adjective
OE freosan, of Gmc origin.


Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για freeze
1. The letter does not mention the freeze–for–freeze issue," the Iranian official said.
2. "We cannot even freeze (and revive) individual organs, let alone freeze a whole human being."
3. "Either it‘s a 100 percent settlement freeze or no settlement freeze.
4. "We have seen Moqtada al–Sadr‘s call for a freeze, and then his call for a renewal of that freeze.
5. The State Department official said Burns would not participate in further discussions during the freeze–for–freeze period.